Do I tape or use a brace?

Do I tape or use a brace?

Ankle Bracing Versus Strapping Tape At university I did my final year research project on ankle injury prevention, and I chose this particular topic because ankle sprains are one of the most common lower limb sporting injuries, and it’s not just in contact sports....
Why should your child see a Podiatrist?

Why should your child see a Podiatrist?

Why should your child see a podiatrist? Well, for the same reason you would take your child to see a Dentist, Optometrist and Doctor, to prevent long-term avoidable health problems.  Most parents are unaware that many adult foot and lower limb problems manifest in...
Are Bunions Hereditary?

Are Bunions Hereditary?

The colour of your hair, eyes, your height or lack of it, and your overall body shape are determined by the gene pool supplied from your parents, therefore it goes without saying that some foot ailments may have come directly from your parents as well. Many people...
Sesamoiditis: Treatment Tips

Sesamoiditis: Treatment Tips

Sesamoiditis is a common condition that causes pain in the ball of the foot, specifically under the big toe joint. The sesamoid bones are two small bones located under the big toe joint within the tendons that run to the end of the big toe. Due to their location they...
Treating Sore Feet: A Guide

Treating Sore Feet: A Guide

Everyone will develop sore feet at some stage in their life and the more active you are, with work and sport, the more likely the chance of painful feet developing. So, how does a Podiatrist at Heal Focus Podiatry treat sore feet? We are glad you asked! There are many...